September 30, 2018

My Harry Potter pet peeves... Part 1 : Things that should never have happened!

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I am a firm believer that Ginny and Harry should never have been put together as a couple. She is by far the worst mate for Harry in my opinion. Harry is smart, he should have ended up with Hermione. Ron should have ended up with Luna and Ginny with Neville. Ron and Luna are both ditsy and a perfect match. Ginny and Neville looked cute together and should have been paired together.

  Sirius should never have been killed off. Siriusly {see what I did there?
} folks he should never have been killed off. First you kill off his parents and now you kill off his Godfather. pretty much his entire family was killed off and that's just a downright cruel thing to do. If you have to kill of Sirius then at least leave Remus Lupin alive so he had some kind of family alive.
Professor Snape shouldn't have died either. Honestly I would have liked to see him fall in love again with one of the other teachers. Maybe that would help him to loosen up a bit and to stop being so stuffy and cranky all the time. maybe that flying teacher, she had the hots for him. You could tell by the way she looked at him.

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