October 20, 2018

Library Musings

I have always dreamed of going to one of those big fancy libraries and getting lost within the rows of shelves. The lights get turned out and I find myself locked inside.

I always carry a small flash light in my purse so I would curl up on a couch and read until I fell asleep. Then the next morning when the staff came in I would tell them that I didn't know what to do, where a phone was, etc.. so I just waited it out on the couch. 

Where would you like to get locked in for the night? I thought of saying Walmart, but that might not be as fun as a library, though if I did get hungry there would be food there.

I'd like to get lost in an rambling old mansion. My library dream though is one of those old fashioned Victorian libraries with the leather bound books and the ladder that takes you up to the higher shelves.

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