October 03, 2018

Space clearing tips and tricks

Ghosts Gespenter Spooky Horror Souls Creep
Space clearing is a shamanic ritual that is used to clear negative energies from a space. It is also used to cleanse the atmosphere in a home or building.
Before you even start this you must believe that this will work. Don't go into it without believing this. Because if you do.. it won't work!

~ Negative energy leaves behind an imprint. When renovations are being done on a house or building that negative energy can be amped up causing it to act up.

~ To perform a clearing you can use sage as well as dried orange peels. Church incense and sweet grass works as well. 

~ You need to clear your space as well as yourself. I don't care what anyone says, you shouldn't clear one without doing the other. 

~When clearing, you should go counter clockwise around a room with the incense burning. As you move around say positive affirmations or chants to dispel anything that doesn't belong in the house or building.

~ You can call on the archangel Michael to remove the negative energies and then call upon the archangel Raphael to heal the homes energies.

~ Always send the negative energies away positively and make sure that you sage the windows and doors to hinder any more negative energies from reentering the home.

~ You can bring love into the house by burning some cinnamon sugar on a piece of charcoal. 

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