December 26, 2018

New Year of Healthy Changes

The new year is creeping upon us and will soon be here before we know it! I'm looking forward the the new year and for everything that it brings my way. Years ago I would have been dreading the coming of the new year, but over the past two years I have always found myself looking forward to them. 
I call them my "New Year of Healthy Changes"! I refuse to call them goals because I don't stick to goals. I do stick to healthy changes though. If they are goals then I get really upset for not accomplishing them, but the changes are much easier for me to accomplish... it's all in the mindset.
Three years ago I said no more soda. Good bye Diet Pepsi and all of the sugar that you bring into my body. Good bye to the sluggishness that I was feeling after drinking them every day since I was a teenager. 
Hello to feeling better about myself and my health. I literally stopped cold turkey and now I allow myself a diet soda once a month if I want one. Though these days I tend to drink a Sprite at work if I have an upset tummy.
My  changes last year were to cut out sweets and soda. I did both. This year my changes are to get a good jump on saving money. This one is hard for me so it will be a bit more difficult to achieve. I know i can do it though so it's all good. 

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