January 01, 2019

A list of things that we can leave behind in the New Year

1. Bullying (There is no place for it in this world.)
2. Megan Markle (Ugh I'm not a fan of her's as well, but seriously leave that woman alone!)
3. Kanye West (There are no words.....)
4. The "Not my president" movement (If you don't like your president? Then get out and vote next time.)
5. Animal Cruelty (Lady Karma is gonna hunt you down and kick your sorry asses!)
6. Expectations when making money donations (When donating money for something that you "purchased" don't expect to receive it. Lesson learned, you won't receive it.)
7. Vegan-ism (You know you want to eat a cheeseburger.. I want that cheeseburger.)
8. Tim Horton's (Starbucks is where it's at!)
9. Cannibis debate (just legalize it for goodness sake and NO...I don'use it.)
10. Racism (in the words of the late and GREAT MLK.... We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.)

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