January 04, 2019

How do you save money?

One of the ways I'll be saving money this year will involve this rather large popcorn tin. Once the popcorn is gone then I will be gluing the lid shut and then putting cash into the can out of each paycheck. 

I figure that if I do this then I could get a nice chunk of change and maybe take a vacation or something! Rainy day fund maybe or the beginnings or a retirement fund! I turn 50 years old this July 1st and have nothing saved for my retirement. 

There will be no change in the can, only cash. I'm going to have to hide it so no one decides to help themselves to it. Plus if I see it just sitting there I might get the desire to spend it on something I don't need. Luckily I tend to use everything I buy so nothing really goes to waste. 

I do have two savings accounts going with money in each account. Those are untouchable. 

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