February 05, 2019

Etiquette Musings: Should men hold the door open for women?

In a group that I'm in one of the ladies brought up an interesting question. Should men still open doors for women?

While I have absolutely no problem opening one by myself, I am very grateful when someone opens one up for me. I open doors for people all the time and I even hold them open. See I was raised with good manners. 

There are a lot ladies and gentlemen who believe that men should always open the door for the ladies.

Then on the other hand you have ladies who believe that men are being chauvinistic when they do so and get their panties in a knot. There is a huge difference between chauvinism and chivalry.  You aren't weak if someone holds a door open for you.. it's called Manners!

Men don't hold doors and pay on dates because they think we are capable or inferior, they do it because they think we're equal or superior and are showing honor and respect.

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