February 14, 2019

Musings about my Bear

There are time's when I sit alone and think about my boy. It's been two years since he passed away and I continue to miss him more and more each day.

As I  type this post I can see his ashes on the shelf behind my laptop. He's sitting in the car with a smile on his face because we were going to get ice cream and that boy loved his vanilla ice cream cones from Abbots during the summers.

I miss having him meet me at the door when I come home, butt wagging and crying with joy when he see's me. I always made sure I had some kind of treat in my pocket for him.

 Racing me to bed to see who could get to the side by the wall first or to see who can get to the pillows. He always wins and once he laid down he was covered up with his sheet and tucked in for the night.

Going in to go to the bathroom to find him sitting at my feet staring up at me and eventually jumping up and hugging me. This was a daily routine, if it wasn't him then it was the cat. LOL

Sitting outside with him while he does his early morning business, a cup of coffee or tea in hand and the birds are chirping. Watching him chase squirrels around the tree or off the porch... the boy was very protective of his family.

I miss him..

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