October 10, 2019

Karma and the Law of Attraction

Tell me something… Are you familiar with the phrase “Like attracts like?” How about the one that says… “What you give out, you get back three fold.” Ever heard of that one?
Well my friends it’s true. Like does attract like and most definitely, what you give out you will get back three fold.

If you think positive thoughts, positive things will come to you. Think negative thoughts and you will attract negative things in your life. I realize that it’s hard to do, but it is possible to do.

I know someone who thinks positive daily. She always looks on the bright side of every lousy situation. Everyday that I see her, she is always smiling. And in the end the lousy situation always seems to work itself out in the end. She worries about the things she has control of and not those things she has no control over. Those things she has no control over are cast aside and ignored.

That is what you need to do on a daily basis. Stop worrying about the things you have no control of. Worrying will do you no good. Do worry about the things you can change and try to come up with ways to put those changes into play.

Your thoughts and actions will also affect your Karma. Here’s the deal with Karma.. Imagine walking into a bank with a slip of paper in your hand. On one side it has a list of good things you’ve done, etc.. and on the other side it has a list of the negative things, etc..
The good things are good karma. Those automatically get deposited into your account, while the bad things are bad karma and they get removed. Think of the bad karma as those horrid bank fees.

Think of it this way.. “How people treat you is their Karma.. How you react is yours.”
You may be wondering as to why this is here.. My reason is simple. You may be asked to investigate someone’s home or business. Do you think they want to have someone who’s going to play jokes on each other or do you think they want someone who takes their job seriously and their case seriously? Think about that.
*Pic info: Pixabay*

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