January 12, 2022

4 random blog questions I get asked.

Why do you blog? 
You know how you have so much stuff on your mind that your head literally feels overloaded? My head gets like that. If something really interests me then it will linger in my head for quite a while. It's like I have 50+ tabs open and they're all trying to get my attention at once saying "Concentrate on Me!".

What is a mind dump?
I started this blog as a mind dump. I found that by writing everything down that I was able to close some of those tabs running through my head. If I read something really cool in a magazine then it will stick with me. I've realized that instead of telling everyone in person about it that I can just post it in my blog here and share the links. 

Why are your posts short?
If I have a lot to post about something, then the posts will be long. I have spoken to a couple bloggers who told me that short and sweet is the way to go. If you post a lot of long posts then it draws people away. We shall agree to disagree on that one because I personally love reading long posts. The longer the better!

Why don't you use your own photos?
I do use a lot of Pixabay photos, but mine will be mixed in as well. I am working on learning to take good photos. I am literally my own worst enemy, so I always look at them and find fault with them. I need to stop and just post when I have taken. I'm getting there. This photo is ME by the way! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog.I love your reasons for blogging and need to get to it more often. Cheers to a New Year of blogging adventures.
