April 15, 2022

... Vlad ...

I used to be married... not happily mind you, but marriage isn't about being happy all the time is it? At least I wasn't alone. I hate being alone.

He changed me so that he wouldn't be alone anymore during his walks through life times. Yet when his wife reincarnates, he finds her and leaves me to be with her until she dies. Same old routine that I'm told to deal with.

I am left alone to wander until he finds me again. He loves me as long as she isn't alive. When she is his love belongs to her. My anger is labeled as childish and I'm told that I don't understand. No I don't that's why I'm angry!

Rourke says that I need to leave him the way he leaves me. Give him the hard choice... Me or Her. I can't do that because if he were to choose her, then no human would be safe from my rage. 

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