June 02, 2022

A Pondering Mind


Things at work have been so hectic. While I love my job and am very grateful for the position and the money I earn, I truly do admit that I really miss my alone time. I went from working 12 hours a week to now getting 37+ hours. I went from working 3 days a week to now working 5. I went from having 4 days of me time to now getting two. 

I know this sounds completely odd, but believe me there are days when I really need it. There are days when I just need to escape into the solitude of my own space for a few days before reemerging refreshed and ready to take on what's coming next. When I'm at work I am always focused on doing my job and helping others out if needed. 

I am hoping that once we get a set schedule for the LP team at my work then I'm hoping to get my days off next to each other. I think that would help considerably because then I wouldn't have to rush about getting my stuff ready for work the next am. 

Maybe I'm just weird or just overthinking about things as I usually do. I try not to, but it's just hard for me to quiet my mind when I start to muddle on something. 

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