June 25, 2022

And so it begins...

 I got up and hopped on Facebook to see what my pals were up to and was hit smack in the face with so many rants and wah wah's that it was ridiculous. "How dare you not agree with me!" "Obviously you don't know what you're talking about.." and it goes on and on.

I'm so bloody tired of seeing the "Unfriend me if you don't agree with me" bs. How old are we now??? I mean c'mon folks... Whatever happened to having conversations as adults and understanding that we are all allowed to have our own opinions. If we all agreed on a topic then life would be pretty boring don'tcha think?

I have my opinions, but refuse to share them because social media is full of immature people who don't know how to agree to disagree. People seriously need to grow up and understand that someone's opinion may not be valid to YOU, but to them it's valid.

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