September 21, 2022

My peace of mind is worth more to Me than your desire to be the center of attention.

There are times when childish drama can be extremely taxing on a person. 
Especially when the toxic person is a grown adult who is lashing out. 
There are reasons for his lashing out, but I won't post them here.

I used to be the one who tried to help everyone and took his insults and belittling by simply smiling and nodding at him and walked away. 
His words literally lived rent free in my head. 
I allowed myself to be used as a doormat because I love my job. 
I was trying to be the bigger person.

I will not allow anyone to treat me like that again and nor will I allow anyone to talk down to my team that I work with. We are a team and we work together and not against each other.

I will no longer react to him and his insults. I will smile and nod and carry on.
He will no longer live rent free in my head. I've raised the rent to 10 million a month and I know that he can't afford that.

Because you know what? 
MY peace of mind is worth more to me than the desire of one person to be the center of attention. 

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