November 02, 2022

CAPS and politics

I wonder if some people realize that using CAPS is considered rude and yelling on social media platforms, etc... 

Now in my opinion if your excited about something then by all means use caps I don't mind.. but if your going to tell someone to do something then it's considered rude. 

I mean c'mon now.. really must we use caps all the time to get the point across? 

Also contrary to popular belief, no one can control what other's post on their Facebook. 

So your going to see political stuff on your friends page.. skip over it if you don't want to see it. 

Ignore it. 

You can't tell people that they can't post political stuff on their page because you don't want to see it on yours. 

Doesn't work that way, darlin.

 This is not meant to be rude in any way, but seriously... you just can't. 

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