November 21, 2022

The Regal Rules for Girls: How to Find Love, a Life --and Maybe Even a Lord -- in London

Well I finally finished the book. While I did enjoy it, I did find that it has a creepy stalker vibe to it. You really have to take the contents of this book with a grain of salt and the use of your own common sense is advisable. Mrs. Fine talks about her life in London and what she experienced when she moved there. Call me crazy, but I find that some of what she wrote to be a bit exaggerated just a teeny bit. No seriously it has to be exaggerated a lot. 

This book is great when it comes to the aspect of places to visit and not to visit when in London. Mrs. Fine doles out some beauty advice, books to read, places to visit, where to shop as well as dating and life advice. She gives you all the information you need to move to England, from getting a VISA and places to look for when looking at schools or places to live. I literally took notes on a lot of this stuff!

Then comes the disturbing bit.. she literally tells you how to land an English gentleman by stalking. She tells you exactly where to go to find them and what to do and not to do to attract them. She makes the English gents out to pretty much not have an ounce to romance in their entire being. She also makes it seem like they are stupid and can't navigate outside their own social circles. She says that you need to be in charge of them and guide them. She literally makes them out to be pathetic. 

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