January 13, 2023

Inventory Chaos 1/12 thru 1/13


: Inventory day 1 went by smoothly not a whole lot of make tags from what I saw. While we usually have at least 3 gray shelves full of them while scanning linens, we had at least 1. The youth and baby apparel had a few, half a rack combined. 
I have to be to work at 6am and here it is 2:38am and I'm wide awake! I'm making my coffee and eating some breakfast before day 2 begins. 
#imsoexhausted #itsrainingagain #iloverainydays

1/13/23: Inventory day 2 went by without very few issues. I was able to work it on about 2 hours sleep.. my 5am bus never showed up, the ride was cancelled because the driver was unable to find me.. I ended up scheduling a Lyft and got to work 15 minutes late, but I arrived. 
The day went by so much smoother than last year in June. There was literally NO stress to be found and we were out earlier than last June. It was great. 
#thankgoodnessthatsover #untilnexttime

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