March 06, 2023

I don't ever want to do that again.

I received a subpoena last week week and I had to go to court and testify before a grand jury today as to what happened on Black Friday with three ladies who ran out of the store with merchandise. Would rather unnerving when I walked into the room where I had the testify there was on 15 people sitting in at desks staring at me. 
I told them everything I remembered answered questions and then afterwards Mel and I went back to work and worked the rest of the day. As we were walking out I told the attorney was nice to meet you and you know I'm glad this is over and she said if we go to court then it's not over we'll have to be back to testify again. Needless to say I'm not a happy campers about that!
My day was off because I was up pretty much all night stuck in my head worried that I was going to say the wrong thing or something was going to go wrong that I said. I was up pretty much worrying and overthinking.. I'm pretty good at overthinking unfortunately I really need to stop. I slept for about an hour last night and I'm exhausted.

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