March 10, 2023

London Bridge & "A Knight's Tale".

"A Knight's Tale" is one of my all time favorite movies. I love how the peasant became a hero and found his father in the end. The numerous obstacles he overcame with the help of his friends were both amusing and inspiring.

This is the London Bridge as portrayed in the movie. 
It was home to a central chapel, a host of shops and houses (the rent from which funded its construction and upkeep), gates, a drawbridge – even waterwheels and a mill. 
The houses were up to seven stories high and jutted over the river by as much as 6.5 feet on either side. Many homes practically touched in the middle, making the bridge more of a tunnel in places. 

I can just imagine walking down the road stopping at the shops on the way home or on the way to work while armed guards walk up and down the road keeping things under control. 

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