The Wayward Sister
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. ~ Izaak Walton
July 21, 2023
July 19, 2023
I really can't believe I bought these ugly shoes. I also can't get over how bloody comfortable these shoes actually are!
They look uncomfortable, but that is seriously misleading as they are like walking on a cloud.
Well maybe a bumpy cloud... LMAO!
July 18, 2023
7 tips for keeping your fresh flowers longer.
According to a 10-month study by their Rutgers Department of psychology researchers found that flowers have an immediate long-term effect on emotional reactions, moods, social behaviors and even memory. So having fresh flowers in the house can serve as an instant mood boost. Here's eight steps to make flowers last longer.
1 ~ Start with the clean vase full of tepid water wash the vase before you use it make sure you rinse it really good because soap residue can shorten the life span of the stems.
2 ~ Add the flower food that comes with the flowers. You could also make some DIY flower food by combining two tablespoons of sugar with two tablespoons of white vinegar. The sugar nourishes and the vinegar helps inhibit growth of bacteria. Another one is you can also mix lemon lime soda with the water.
3 ~ Trim the stems as fresh cut stems absorb the water and ensures flowers are hydrated always trim them at an angle.
4 ~ Remove the leaves that fall below the waterline to help prevent a build up of bacteria.
5 ~ Don't put flowers in direct sunlight to avoid premature browning and wilting.
6 ~ Change the water every other day to get rid of any bacteria buildup and give your flowers a fresh drink. Also whenever you change the water retrim those stems.
7 ~ Another way to avoid any bacteria buildup is to remove wilting flowers from the vase.
July 16, 2023
July 11, 2023
How much is that kitty in the window?
A friend I have yet to meet hanging out with me while I wait for my bus. An absolutely adorable little friend I must say. Love those gingers!
After having 10 days off and having no problems sleeping at all, I had a small bout of insomnia last night...I fell asleep a little after 3:45am and was up at 6am.
I also have to be to work at 9am today. I'll be fine, it just sucks. I knew I should have stuck to my usual work sleep routine, but I didn't. Lesson learned.
July 09, 2023
Madison's graduation party!
Today was Madison's graduation party in Penfield at Lanier Park. It was a nice party a lot of people came and there was pizza, cake, chips and dip, fruit & veggies... stuff like that.
There are some little guys selling lemonade iced tea and and freeze pops at the main drive coming into the complex.
I went and grabbed myself a iced tea and paid $4 for it. Mind you it wasn't a full cup, it was half way full, but let me tell you something... those four fellas were all excited yelling that they had drinks and snacks for sale.
I was more than happy to shell out $4 for a small cup of iced tea. $1 for each of them even though my iced tea was literally a dollar, but hey gotta support the little guys.
June 11, 2023
June 08, 2023
Inventory madness!
Inventory was 2 days ago. I worked from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. it was such a beautiful disaster...
By Beautiful Disaster I mean it was organized but just a mess. We weren't ready for it again and there were so many rolling racks of no tickets that had to be done men's had one rack I was able to keep up with that no problem ladies ended up with two racks of no tickets.
The worst area for no tickets I would have to say was Linens because there was a lot of Linens stuff that had no tickets on it. Another problem was that we started inventory prep too late we should have started at the beginning of the previous month instead of a week before inventory showed up that's when we started a week before inventory day.
In a way it's not the manager's fault because our budget was cut so we really didn't have a lot of people who could do inventory prep at all. Hopefully January's inventory will be better and will be more prepared for it. We have inventory twice a year once in January and then again in June.
June 05, 2023
June 02, 2023
The Flash musings
I am so elated because Oliver Queen AKA The Green Arrow is back on the flash mind you it's only for like two episodes but Ollie is back and he is a total badass!
When he first died I was absolutely devastated because he is my favorite, but it's nice to see that they brought him back for the very end of The Flash show.
Just got done watching the last episode of The Flash. While I'm a big fan of this show, I'm not a fan of the character Iris.
For some reason to me she comes off as being snotty and I'm just not sure how I feel about her.
She's considered herself to be an "alpha" only because she's married to Barry aka the Flash, but she's actually just.... I don't know the wife and that's pretty much it.
The actress who portrays Iris, Candice does an amazing job and she's a great actress. Alas the character Iris is not one that I find to be a good one... I find her to be kind of annoying.
June 01, 2023
Who let the crazies out????
Nothing for the past two days well yesterday and today is there has been so much customer drama at work it's not even funny. It's like seriously someone let the loonies out of the loony bin or something.
Yesterday I was waiting for my bus to come and I was sitting in the break room and I heard yelling on the floor. So I grabbed my stuff and went out to the floor to find two customers yelling at my boss who was trying to ring customers out. It was all over a shopping cart and a pair of pants. A pair of pants. Mall security ended up coming with the police and they ended up a squirting amount.
Then today a guy came in and started flipping out because he was not happy at the customer service he was receiving. No one was available to do his personal shopping from home so he got upset and also because we have no open fitting rooms. Which is not our fault we haven't had open fitting rooms in months. He flipped out on the bus and started calling her names and stuff like that. We did call the police officer who works at the mall and by the time she got there he had left, but it was so bad that a male customer who actually does security hung around to make sure that the guy didn't get violent.
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