November 05, 2018

3 cruel "dating" games to watch out for

Dating is hard enough and now worrying about whether your going to be the butt of another's cruel joke is going to be added onto the stress of finding your one true love. People are just cruel sometimes.. what they deem as funny is not funny at all, it's downright heartless and cruel.

1. Pulling a pig is a horrible joke that is played by gals and guys alike. See it's a contest to see who can find an ugly partner and then dupe them on a date night. First off... if you are pulling this crap on people then you are ugly. you can be cute or what not on the outside, but if your inside, how you treat people, doesn't match then you're just plain ugly. 

2. Catfishing is another game. Folks create social media profiles all the while using someone else's images as their own. They build up online romances that can last for years and you never knew you were being catfished.

3. Ghosting is another. Imagine you have been talking to someone for months and they suddenly just stop talking to you and cut off all contact with you. They simply vanish with no explanation what so ever. 

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