November 06, 2018

Political Monsters

I have numerous peeves when it comes to politics. I have learned that it's best to keep your political belief's to yourself because people 's feelings get too hurt when you express yours. If you don't share the same belief's then well.. read on...

On a friend's Facebook, her 15 year old niece expressed her political opinion by posting a picture of a red wave. My friend's "friends" were calling her niece nasty names and being downright rude to her. That is totally uncalled for!

When you insult a teenager for expressing an opinion, you are telling them that their opinion means nothing. How do you know that they aren't following in their parent's footsteps in forming that opinion? If that's the case then you're telling them that their parent's opinion means nothing.

Everyone has a right to have their own opinion no matter what age they are. As an adult it is your JOB to encourage children to form their own opinions through observations and asking questions. It's how they learn about the world we live in and about how to maneuver through it. 

What you are doing when you toss insults at them is called BULLYING! Think about that before you insult someone for their political beliefs that don't match yours. I swear politics brings out the worst in people. I hate it.

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