November 11, 2018

Abundance Mindsets will get you everywhere!

Growing up I never learned about keeping a positive mindset. I grew up in a house with a bunch of people who didn't have a positive outlook on life. Life was difficult and we all knew it. We kids, 9 of us, knew that we had to wear hand me downs because the adults couldn't afford new clothes every year.
Dad was travelling for work all the time and worked a lot of fulls days. There were time's when we didn't see him all day, because of his good work ethic. He had family to support and he worked all the time.
Growing up it was hard, I was never really able to do what some of my friends did because they always had money to go out. I wasn't the kid of teenager who enjoyed wandering around the mall and just wasting time.
i preferred the time's when we would go to the park for a few hours and just sit and talk about everything and anything we could think of. Those were some great times. We didn't need money, we just needed each other to make the night enjoyable. 
A few years ago I saw the movie "The Secret" on Netflix and it changed my life. This movie inspired me to change my mindset of lack of abundance to full of abundance. It's by Rhonda Byrd and is absolutely amazing!
Instead of saying "I don't have the money.." I began simply saying "No thanks, not interested." I don't bring money up into the conversation at all. I have money, I just choose not to use it.

When you hold onto the lack of mindset then it hinders you into thinking negative. Instead think about what you do have. You have your life, your family, that roof over your head, your job.. you are very wealthy indeed! There are many people in the world who don't have what you do.

Switch that mindset into the positive and watch your world change. 

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