November 08, 2018

Tis just my opinion...

I'm on the fence about abortion.. this will probably rub someone the wrong way but I'm gonna say it anyways. Like I said I'm on the fence.. when my mum was a teenager she was raped and she had to get an abortion. I don't begrudge anyone who is raped that option.

I am completely against women using abortion as a means of birth control! If you have unprotected sex and you get pregnant then guess what... You're having a baby! There are exceptions of course, health risks to baby and mother and I do understand that condoms to break at times. Accidents happen right?

I know women who use abortions as a form of birth control and that pisses me off big time.. BIG TIME and they know it. I'm actually not friends or acquaintances with them any more because of it. They don't feel like taking precautions and refuse to take the pill for fear of screwing up their systems.

Can't having an abortion screw up your system as well, heck your body? Can't you die from having one if it's not done correctly? If you don't want to get pregnant then please.. use protection!

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