January 06, 2019

It's going to be OK... right?

Today has been a rather rough day. So many things have been happening and my emotions and my mental health is rather unbalanced. Not in a dangerous way, but it's been pretty out of whack as of late. I have been very weepy and emotionally sensitive I guess. I called out of work, this stress that I'm enduring has given me a massive headache and I just feel horrible.

Something came out that I haven't spoken about before, I've kept it buried my whole life and I accidentally let it slip out. My head is screaming "NOOOOOO!!" and my heart is saying "It's going to be OK." I am choosing to listen to my heart on this and am moving forward. The one who hurt me has passed away and can't hurt me if I break my silence.

One of my goals for this new year was to release the negativeness that has been holding me back and I did that with one little accidental slip of the tongue. Now it's time for me to glue the pieces together and move forward. 

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