April 11, 2019

Love to all!

There is too much hate in this world it needs to stop. We need to fill our world with love, love is strong enough to wipe out the hate. I know this might upset a few folks, but I don't follow the black lives matter movement, but they do matter to me.

I know they are standing up for their rights, but I don't agree with some of the things I have seen them do.

I follow the 
#AllLivesMatter movement. Everyone matters no matter what your skin color is. No matter where you came from, you matter. We are all humans, created by the Divine, call it what you want, we were all created by our chosen Divine source.

The police departments needs to be fixed, training needs to be done on handling certain situations. Mental health training's should be done if need be. We need to understand that not all police officers are bad. We have some pretty damn excellent ones serving our country. Unfortunately those good ones are over shadowed by the bad ones. People remember the bad more than they remember the good. 

Parents, teach your children to respect authority, teach them to respect other's, no matter what their skin color is! Education is so very important, be a good influence on them, a positive role model. Help them follow a positive path. Teach them.. they learn from You.  Teach them to see past the skin color and look at who the person really is. If you're beautiful outside, but ugly inside then your just plain ugly.

Help them to be beautiful both inside and outside. They need to learn to see past race, to see past the color of ones skin. Teach them that by showing them how it's done. 

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