May 07, 2019

Burlington is building a wall!

Image may contain: sky, shoes, bird and outdoorI work in retail. It's fun and I enjoy my job. What I don't enjoy are the repetitive questions "Are you guys closing??" My answer is always "No we aren't, we in the process of preparing for a remodel."
I've been called a liar and I had one woman tell me that I just don't know what I'm talking about. It is what it is and I refuse to let them dull my mood. I mean c'mon.. if we were closing the employees would be the last to find out.
We are currently preparing for a wall to be build in the store in efforts to make the store smaller. We also aren't getting the huge shipments that we were getting before. So we are a bit light in some area's... ok a lot of area's, but it's ok we are not closing!

Mind you this is the kind of wall I would love to see, view and all. 

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