August 05, 2019

Long distant parenting at it's finest..

So here's something to think about... if your oldest daughter was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, would you not want to learn more about it so you could help your child deal with panic attacks, etc? 
If your youngest daughter was diagnosed with ADHD, would you not want to learn more about it so you could understand as to why your child gets so excited and jumpy when something great is planned?

Or would you just sit there ignorant as to how to deal with those situations and simply yell at them because they aren't acting as you want them to act? 
I may not be a parent, but I would want to know how to talk my child out of an anxiety attack and not just let her have one so bad that she needs to go home where people understand whats happening to her.​
It's sad.. they aren't my children and I know more about how to deal with their health issues than their long distant parent.

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