September 25, 2019

Never discuss politics with your friends...

I can't get to sleep. Too much mental chaos going on and I'm trying to hush it. lol
My thoughts need to ssshhhhh so I can catch more zzzzz's!

I did wake up to find a few political posts on my news feed. 

I really dislike those.. why?
Because people have a hard time agreeing to disagree.
Not everyone will agree on who was elected and that's 100% OK, but when the talking stops and it gets nasty then it's not OK.

I have seen friendships literally dissolve over these posts.
Lifelong friendships.. childhood friendships! Gone all because of one topic.
That is why I won't bring up politics on my timeline.. ok except for now. LOL.

I was on a friends post and liked all of the positive comments.
People posted who they voted for. I liked them all.
You know why? They were talking like adults.
Not fighting like immature brats who didn't get the last cookie.

(FYI.... Dean always gets the cookie. )

I value my friends and connections.
I don't give a flip as to who you voted for.
Friends before politics... Can anyone else say the same thing and actually mean it?

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