September 15, 2019

Supernatural Short: Mermaid dreams

 Dean: "I didn't realize Charlie was was gonna be here... huh I like that outfit she looks cute."

Sam: "Umm yeah we are at Comic Con for some reason.. why are we here again?"

Charlie: "Hey there's my brother's!" :runs over and hugs Dean and Sam:

The guy with the plastic pointy sword follows her, the overhead light shining bright on his bald head.

Dean eyes the shiny bald headed guy and eyes the plastic sword : "If that gets anywhere near her then I'll ram it up your.."

Charlie: "Dean! Why don't you and Sam go look at the cosplay girls, there's a mermaid in a bikini top!"

Dean smiles: "Show me the mermaid..."

Sam gives bald guy a look: "We have guns.. we know how to dispose of bodies to where no one will find them... don't touch our Charlie..."

Bald guy gulps and drops the plastic toy sword.

Dean: "Sammy c'mon let's go get us a merm... KEVIN... WTF man!!!"

Kevin Tran: "Hi guys!!"

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