November 20, 2019

I love to sleep!

After moving into the new place I am now waking up to seeing a beautiful view of trees and leaves.
At the old place I was waking up to seeing the side of my neighbors house. ​Since moving my sleeping has been so much better because my routine has changed.I have a few things that I actually use to help me fall asleep. 
~ I am always wearing comfy clothes, usually shorts & t-shirts and I'm either bare foot or I have soft comfy socks on. ~ Once I start to get sleepy I tend to turn the tv off and put some soft music on usually new age or instrumental. ~ I have some lavendar lotion that I will put on my arms and neck. ~ Once I can't keep my eyes open then I shut everything off and get into bed and wrap myself up in my throw.My bedroom tends to be a bit cold at bedtime. I fall asleep faster and sleep longer when I'm cold!

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