April 06, 2020

Learning to save $$ isn't easy.

What do you do in case of an emergency? 
Not not like the world is going to end, but what will you do if you are stuck in quarantine and supplies are low. 
At this moment I'm happy to say I have an emergency fund, though it's small, it's a start.

If this quarantine has taught me anything it's that I really need to be better prepared for the future in case something like this happens again. 
Not only mentally, but financially. This quarantine has given me a lot of time in my head and for that I'm grateful.

I learned that I spend a lot of money on stuff that I don't need or use. I also learned that I use Grub Hub a lot and that has to stop or get cut down. 
So far I've used it 4 times in the matter of 45 days. To you that may not be much, but to me it's just too much.

I learned that I'm actually capable of saving money! Who would have thought! Growing up I wasn't taught to save money. I was taught to spend money on bills and whatever. 

At 15-16 years old I was bringing home $300 every two weeks and saw $50 of it. My folks took the rest for bills. So essentially I've been paying rent since I was a teenager. lol 
I wish they told me the value of opening a savings account and how having one will help me as an adult. 

I'm 50 years old and teaching myself the value of saving money. Lemme tell you, it's rough to go from frivolous spending to saving money.

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