January 25, 2022

Watch out for those scammers' folks!

I keep getting phone calls from people in Nigeria and India. Apparently, the morals in these two countries are seriously lacking because they aren't using them. People with manners prefer to earn their money in an honest manner like, you know GET A REAL JOB!

So, here's the deal...
Here's a few tips when it comes to dealing with these arsewipes.
Yeah, I said that!

On the phone...
When you get a call from someone saying that you owe money HANG UP! Do Not EVER give anyone your bank information! To do this will result in them emptying your account.
On my Android phone I answer the call and then hang up. This will give me the option of blocking that number. I always answer and then immediately hang up and block. Sure, they'll call again under a different number, I swear they're like roaches... disgusting. 

If you get a phone call saying they kidnapped your child or grandchild then hang up and call that person on the phone to see where they are. You will find that nothing actually happened to them at all.

On your social media
You will get messages from them all the bloody time. There are numerous ways you can tell if someone is a scammer... First off... seriously stop looking for love online. They look for ladies and gents who are desperately looking for love.
Look for love in your own town. It's safer that way. Seriously it really is.
They also go after ladies and gents that they deem as plain, not beautiful, etc... desperate for love.
Now please spare the yelling I'm just telling you when I have experienced and heard in my 20+ years online. I do my research folks!

The scammer’s intention is to establish a relationship as quickly as possible, endear himself to the victim, and gain trust. Scammers may propose marriage and make plans to meet in person, but that will never happen. Eventually, they will ask for money.

1. An actual celebrity will NOT message you on social media saying that it's a private account. That's an account run by a scammer. Report the account to Facebook as a scam and then block it. 

2. When a person tells you to send them a friend request then that person is a scammer. They tell you this because if they friend you then they could get flagged as a scammer. So, if you request them first then they're safe.

3.They create fake profiles using someone else's image and information to lure you in. I've had my photo used by a scammer before. They normally use military titles and images or some other well to do image. 

4. Look at the people who like their posts. If there are a bunch a people from Nigeria and India liking their posts then you have a scammer in your inbox.

5. Look in the address bar and see if the name in the profile matches the one in the address bar. Some scammers are idiots and use their actual names when they create the account. They just change the name and content with each new scam.

There are so many ways to figure it out. If in doubt send me an email and I'll look at the profile for you! I have warned so many ladies about scammers and one even yelled at me because I got her boyfriend in Nigeria's account closed... I was just sitting here thinking "WTF..."

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