February 20, 2022

I lost a friend last week...

I am an overthinking introvert!

 This title is 100% legit. I try to see the positive along with the negative in all situations whether I'm involved or not. Whether I live in that country or not! I don't just look at the situation from the aspect of good and bad, but I look at every other angel I can possibly find. It's very hard for me to explain this one, it's just what I do. 

Now onto the reason for the post. A now former friend who resides in Canada commented on my posts on Facebook about the Freedom Convoys. She laughed at the two posts. One post was about horses trampling protestors... she actually used a laughing emoji and said that they deserved it. 
I'm sorry, but no one deserves to get hurt by being trampled under the horse hooves. Have you ever been stepped on by one? I'm sure they bloody hurt! The woman was also disabled. Luckily, she wasn't killed. 

I also mentioned in a comment that animals and children were being taken away from their owners and parents. Another laughing emoji. 
That to me is unsettling and very disturbing that anyone in their right mind would find those amusing. The dogs who were being taken from their owners or the children who were being taken from their parent's... do they deserve that?

We all need to learn to show empathy for those with whom we don't agree, and this goes to both sides. 
The truckers 100% showed absolutely NONE to the residents of Ottawa.

Like I said up top, I'm an over thinker.
I can see the good aspect of this protest; everyone wants their voices heard and everyone has a right to decide what goes into their own bodies. If your Prime Minister isn't listening to you then drastic actions need to be made in order for your voice to be heard.

I can also see the negative aspect of it as well. The people who actually live in the city of Ottawa were forced to listen to the truck hors going off constantly, businesses were closed, and the city folks were blatantly disrespected. 
In my opinion that convoy went on far too long. 4 weeks is too long for something like that. Out of respect for those who reside in town the horns should have remained silent 24/7. There is no reason to sound them off like that. 

On YouTube there were tubers who were actually there walking daily capturing legit footage as it happened with no editing, and you can even go and watch videos from the Parliament sessions.
This is the Parliament of Canada's YouTube channel. Watch these video's, you'll be enlightened. After watching them I can see why the protesters took this route, but I think they did it wrong. Protest in an open place that won't disrupt other people's daily lives. 

Quick Facts
~ Over 300 million Ottawa citizens are suing the protest leaders. 
~ This protest was peaceful there was no fighting or anything until the police came into the picture.
~ After watching a lot of those parliament video's, I have come to the conclusion that Trudeau is power hungry.

1 comment:

  1. why is the one lady id be happy with has to be so far away?
