February 18, 2022

Making a list and checking it twice!

For as long as I can remember I have always been a list writer. I wrote them in high school to know which assignments to do and in what order. The shortest amount of time always went first and the longest was always last. 
I still make lists now, but this time it's in hopes of getting myself back on track and to help me be more organized. I was watching a video on YouTube and the guy had said that you should write down things that you have got to do. He said that by writing the list you are in fact putting it to memory. 

I have always done this myself only it was just a list of everything that I needed to do mixed in with wanted to do. So, everything that needed to get done was literally lost in the eternally long row.
I have a weekly planner that I bought, and I have been writing my lists in there day to day lists. Everything that needs to be done is written first, then after that's gone, I add to the list and keep moving. This planner stays tucked in my purse and I'm always looking at it and crossing tasks off.

Amazon has some amazing planners. This floral one is what I use at home, I bought a smaller one to keep in my purse from work.

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