April 22, 2022

A broke girl's guide to handling a large sum of money.

Sometimes luck is on our side and we find ourselves with a major windfall of money. Maybe you won a lawsuit, received an inheritance or even won the lotto. There are things that you should do to ensure you and your money is safe. Sounds crazy I know, but let me tell you I've heard crazy stories about lottery winners and in this day and age you never know what will happen!

I have been making a game plan for when I win the lotto and yes I will win! I am claiming this to the Universe every day! This lady has plans! I also have a notebook that I have those plans written down in. Some of the plans change of course. I went from buying a home on the lake to buying a van to live in and travelling the US. lol

Here is My list of things to do...

1. If possible tell no one! Once you make it known that you have money then you're going to have people coming out of the woodwork. Former friends and family. Old boy/girlfriends and charities. Call someone you Know will be asking for money and ask them for $500. When they don't give it to you then you'll have a good reason not to give them money. I would only be telling my siblings and that's it.

2. Go somewhere secret and tell no one! If you need to tell someone then make sure it's someone you trust. Relax and give yourself time to process what has happened. Then start making a plan of action. I would have my notebook with me and I would be making phone calls. I literally have phone numbers in my area of accountants and banks to go to.

3. Savings! I have a savings account set up and it's where a majority of the money will go. My goal is to be able to live comfortably off of the interest. I'll have a budget and will be taking care of family as well. Whether I'll be living in the USA is another story. I would even consider moving to the United Kingdom across the pond or even to Canada. I would definitely NOT stay in NY.

I have been in between whether I would keep my job or not, I would most likely keep it for a while longer, but I would definitely retire by 55 if that was an option. I do enjoy my work and honestly it would be hard for me to leave. I have some amazing friends there and I would miss them terribly.

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