April 24, 2022

I stand with Johnny!

I acknowledge that Amber Herd has two mental disabilities, Johnny Depp also has ADHD and is Bipolar, but it doesn't excuse what she did to him. She is the abuser, and he is her Victim.

There is a recording of her saying that no one would believe that he is a victim of abuse. It was literally played in court for all to hear.

As far as I'm concerned, she knew what she was doing was wrong, she knew that the more she pushed him, and she certainly did push him over and over again to get him to react.

HE would have to fight back in order to survive. He said in court that he was scared to leave her because he didn't want her to kill herself. He is a proven abuse survivor at the hands of his mother and was abused again as an adult by his wife.

I believe she used that against him as well. She kept telling him that she would kill herself if he left her. His mother killed herself after his father left her. She lost him movie roles and pretty much cancelled him with her lies of abuse, while she kept working. She was a nobody until she married him. Her actions are what most are judging her on not her mental illness.

It's NOT ok for her to use her condition to get away with making claims of abuse against her Johnny's actions of self-defense and probably pure bloody frustration and fear. She needs to take responsibility for her actions, but I doubt that will ever happen.

So during the Depp/Heard trial we have learned:
•Women can verbally assault men in front of everyone and it's perfectly fine.
•A woman can take a poo on a man's pillow and laugh with her friends about it and that's fine.
•A woman can cut off a man's finger tip in a heated argument and no one bats an eye.
•A woman can demand money in a civil setting and claim its for donation purposes and keep it and all is right with the world.

•A woman can gas light a man into believing horrible things about himself that are not true.
•A woman can smirk and laugh during court proceedings while a man is forced to relive horrible experiences.
•A woman can talk bad about a man's kids.
•A woman can put make up and nail polish on her and the law will pass it off as bruises and blood.
•A man can be trauma bonded into submission.
•A man can love hard and be fearful of failure and force himself to stay.
•A man can battle addictions but like everyone else, cannot do it alone.

•A man can lose a movie role over allegations but a woman with the same allegations... SHE keeps her job.
•A man is not allowed to defend himself in court without harassment.
•A man is not allowed to have a fair trial because the judge backs the woman.
•A man is judged because he worries how the accusations will affect his children, family, etc.


I stand with Johnny Depp. 
#DoBetter #DoBetterDisney #JusticeForJohnnyDepp 
#JohnnyDepp #MenAreVictimsToo #NobodyFightsAlone

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