April 02, 2022

Another set back...

Life for me seems to be filled with set backs at the moment. The money from my taxes was supposed to go toward a van, but after finishing them I found that I'm not getting back as much as I hoped I would.
It was all because I had to pay back the Unemployment that I received in the beginning of 2021. $400 worth of Unemployment has to be paid back. 

So there go pretty much all of my Unemployment. I will be putting all of my bill on freeze, luckily I can do that as I really have no major bills to pay.
I can go without a phone for a month and my streaming services I can do without. I cashed in some crypto and that will help with the $400, Spectrum bill and my credit card bill.

I'm not stressing about it because really there is nothing to stress about. Everything works itself out, it always does. It just means that I'll be starting my van life adventure a bit later than I had hoped I would be. I wanted to be in a van by next year and it doesn't look favorable for me at the moment as I'm spending the money saved for it.
I'm not taking this as a sign that it's not supposed to happen, but as a sign that it's not meant to happen now. I'm going to keep moving forward and just start my savings over again. Not a big deal. 

Onward and Upward my friends!

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