May 18, 2022

Active Shooter training tips

As the full time person on the asset protection team I have had to do some training. Well we all did it to be honest, but I tend to do a wee bit more. There have been quite a few active shooters as of late in stores and I will admit that it scares me.

Personally I carry pepper spray on me at all times. I need to get new spray because what I have is over 10 years old, but for now it will do. 

The thought of it happening at my work to coworkers and really scary and I will admit to having nightmares about it. During the training that I watched they gave some great instructions and I'm going to share them here.

In case of an active shooter the first thing you need to do is RUN! If you can get to an exit or emergency exit then do so. Grab everyone you can and go! Once you're outside then call the police. 

If you can't run then you need to HIDE! Do not hide in large groups because you will be spotted easier that way. Hide in breakrooms, bathrooms, offices. Hide in clothing racks and anywhere else you can find a spot. 

If there is a large group of you then you can FIGHT! Grab anything you can get your hands on, slam into them hard with shopping carts, grab fixtures and hit them. Do what you can to get the weapon away from them. 

When the police do come into the building then put your hands up and follow their instructions. 
There are flaws in every plan, but with everything that's happening here in NY as of late it's better to know what to do than to not and be sorry.

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