May 21, 2022

Workin the night shift!

Tonight was my first night shift at work in over 10 years and it was a doozey.
Also Burlington has been running strong for 50 years! Woot!

A guy came in and was looking at luggage. He was upset that all of the ones he liked had women's names on them. He said he couldn't get them because he didn't want his girl to think he was cheating on her with someone named "Juicy" or "Nicole". I just stood there with a confused look on my face and had to walk away. I seriously just don't understand people these days.

We had two people come in 5 minutes before the store closed to shop. We were all literally ready to leave and they wanted to shop! The guy comes in every night and does this. Every night. We ended up not getting out until 10:15 because of them. You would think that if the doors are locked then the store is closed.

Nothing like eating a dinner of ramen noodles at 11pm. I had a pepperoni pretzel at work around 4:30 so it was considered more of a snack.

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