May 22, 2022

Sunday Musings

For as long as I can remember working at Burlington, I have always had to work on Sunday's. The only time I ever had the day off was if it was a holiday or if I asked for it off. It seems that since I got this full time position I have been getting Sunday's off. 

I've had the past three off and I'm really enjoying them. Now that the weather is nicer I'm planning to get out more and get my Spring cleaning done. I'll just be getting some done every Sunday and when I get off work or before I head in to work.

So far my finances have been good, but saving has been difficult when surprise a termination notice show up that wasn't paid and I'm not the one who is supposed to pay it. So I emptied my savings in order to get it paid off and we were able to keep the electricity on. Life happens right? 

I've decided that I'm going to get a large jar and take money out of each paycheck and put it in the jar. I really think that this is the only way I'll be able to save money. I'm taking $100 out of each paycheck and putting it in savings. So I'll be taking $100 putting the $$ in monthly envelopes and putting it in this jar. I know that this will be better for me in the long run and more beneficial in the end.

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