June 13, 2022

Van life dreams revisited


Every time I ride the RTSonDemand van to and from work I feel the urge to go straight into van life and not go into an apartment as I had been thinking about doing.
It's still not a safe time to start van life here in NY with all of the attacks in the mall parking lot and the shootings so the crime rate in the US is rather high at the moment and I'm NOT looking to be a victim. 
I refuse to live my life in fear of what could happen to me if I lived in a van, but I don't want to put my life in danger by doing something at the wrong time. 
So I'll be building up my savings to use toward buying something that is fully built out and I won't have much to do except move things into the van. 
That's what I'll be using my Marcus account for, to save for getting a built out van. My taxes will go into the van fund and once I get enough saved up I can move into one and live my dreams of vanlife. This way I'll also have the means of transportation and can travel on the days off.

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