June 16, 2022

RTSonDemand Musings


I've been taking RTSonDemand for about 3 months now to and from work and I actually rather enjoy it especially on the way home. So far I'm 2 days into the week and on both days I've had some issues. 
The GPS is just wonky this week and it's not bringing the driver's to my scheduled destination even though I use the correct and same info each and every time. 

It's literally just this week alone so far, I've been taking the bus since I started the full time position as my hours are literally all over the place. My days of working a fixed schedule are long gone and into the abyss of yesterday and I fill in where I'm needed on the schedule.
I'll keep taking the bus of course I mean c'mon it's only a $1 per ride, but they really need to update their app and update their GPS. 

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