June 18, 2022

Pagan Veiling


A former coworker who literally only lasted 1 day came in with a headscarf on and refused to take it off saying it was part of her religion, she actually was NOT asked to take it off as my boss simply asked her the meaning behind wearing it. She said she was pagan and she started in on my boss in a very rude way about that Pagans wear veils for protection. 

I AM a Pagan and I was absolutely offended at the way this child acted. I call her a child because she acted like one. Some of my coworkers know that I'm a Pagan and were baffled because I literally have never heard of veiling for protection. So I came home and did some research on it. 

What is Pagan veiling?

Pagan veiling is the act of fully or partially covering one’s head, there are no right or wrong ways of veiling. It all comes down to personal choice. So the reasons for veiling are various, each person has their own reasons for doing so... in essence it's a personal choice. 

~ To connect with their chosen Deity. 
~ Some do it to cover their crown chakra to protect their energy and powers.
~ Some wear the head scarves as a connection to their craft and to honor their ancestors.

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