July 13, 2022

Give it up Amber!

It appears Amber and her team of misfit lawyers are up to shenanigans again and are running amuck.

It's true that a narcist won't ever loose gracefully, no they have to make themselves look like idiots and well.. pathetic individuals.

They are trying to get the trial that Johnny won to be dismissed because of one of the jurors who they say is not who he said claimed to be. 

Yet before the trial started the lawyers had info about all of the possible jurors before they were chosen so why didn't they catch this big "Oopsie" before he was even chosen to be on the jury?

I believe it's because they just assumed that they would win and that Johnny would loose. Guess what? That jury isn't stupid like Amber assumed they were. They saw right through her horrible acting on the stand and those lies just piled up against her.

You seriously need to give it a rest and go find a new occupation. You literally destroyed what acting career you had.

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