August 29, 2022

Covid Day 2

Covid is being a spoiled brat. I feel achy all over, random fevers, my head is stuffy and hurting. I have literally no appetite and am forcing myself to eat and drink. Luckily my taste buds haven't abandoned me, for which I am grateful.

I'm tired a lot, but I'm trying to keep myself awake as much as I can so that I actually sleep at night. I'm trying my best to stick to my usual sleep schedule for work. It took me a long time for my body to get used to the schedule in the first place so I don't want any set backs because of Covid.

My mom and brother are both sick as well. Mind you he's been sick for most of August, I wouldn't be surprised if he already had Covid and didn't know it. So all 3 of us are in Quarantine! I'm in my bedroom, he's in his bedroom and mom's downstairs.

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