August 30, 2022

Covid Day 3

Covid is still being a spoiled brat and I seriously want to biotch slap it a few times until it makes up it's mind as to what symptoms they are going to toss around at me. I actually felt a bit better this morning when I woke up. The brat must have realized that it was slacking so....

1.) One minute I'm sweating and too hot  so I pull on a pair of shorts and the next I'm pulling on a pair of sweat pants and sweat jacket. I just can't win with this one.

2.) I have no appetite at all, but I am forcing myself to drink at least 10 full 32oz bottles of water. I will force myself to eat a granola bar here and there, but all in all I'm just not hungry at all. I bought some sugar free water flavor to help me drink more water. 

3.) The brat decided that I must always have a horrid taste in my mouth despite the fact that I brush my teeth in the am and around noon and before bed... after an hour the taste is back. I hate the sick taste that comes with being sick... it's seriously nauseating.

4.) I gave up on attempting to keep my sleep schedule because I'm just so tired. I am still getting up at 7am every morning as that's my usual time to rise on work days. I'll deal with getting it back on track after I get better. 

I think it wouldn't be so upsetting if I didn't have to deal with my mom being sick as well. She keeps calling me to go down and help her with something and I keep reminding her that I have Covid and can't be around her! She just doesn't seem to care. I spent almost $100 on meds, Lysol and wipes so we are both on Mucinex at the moment. 

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