August 09, 2022

Patience is a virtue

 While on the bus today on the way home from work I was talking to the bus driver as I usually do and the driver had told me that a lot of riders get really angry at them because of the app that RTS is using. 
That really upsets me because it's not the driver's fault that they have to use that app it's RTS's fault because the app is really faulty. There's so many things wrong with that app and the drivers have no control over it.

One thing I do to ensure that I get to work on time is I leave an hour and a half early only because I want to ensure that I get here on time and because of that app I have been late to work a few times. It's not the driver's fault it's the app that they are forced to use.

Yep it's a pain in the butt when I have to be here at 9:30 in the morning and I'm getting up at 7:00 and getting on a bus at 8:00 I usually end up sitting at work for an hour before my shift starts but I'm okay with that because I'm here on time.

I have been on a bus for 45 minutes to an hour before and I never complained because it's not the driver's fault they have to go by whatever is on the app, so maybe instead of getting angry at them leave your house earlier than you normally do to ensure that you get to work on time.

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