August 13, 2022

Back to work I go.

I have been sick the past 3 days and while I still don't feel 100% better I'm going to work later. My brother has been sick for around a week now and he refuses to get a covid test. He has a sinus infection. I bought one and did it for myself.

My results came up covid free so it's all good with me. I knew that I didn;t have it, but wanted to be safe than sorry considering my job is centered around being with people almost daily.

I immediately started taking cold medicine and sinus medication in hope that if I got what he had then it wouldn't be as bad as his. Luckily it wasn't. 

My head still feels like it's full of fluff and my nose is running like a stream, but its stuff that I can manage while at work. It was the pounding headache that felt like my head was being slammed into the wall that was unbearable.

The above photo is my results. The instructions are in Spanish since I never received any in English.  lol if there was a pink line then that meant that I had covid.  No pink line means I'm good to go! 

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