August 19, 2022

The Oldest Door in Britain.

 This was splashed all over my newsfeed on Facebook this morning so I figured I would share it for those who don't actually have social media accounts. Believe it or not I do know people who don't have a single one of them. lol

This oak door is in Westminster Abbey and is Britain’s oldest and only Anglo-Saxon Door. The door has been standing for over 950 years, dates back to the reign of Edward the Confessor during the 1050s!

The door was made from a single oak from Eastern England in medieval times. The ancient door stands at 6.5 feet tall and is 4 feet wide. Traces of human skin have been rumored to remain on the door, but it has been proved to be cowhide.
The door opens into the octagonal Chapter House, where monks met every day for prayers in the 13th century and today serves as a storage place for important religious documents.

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